Our next regular meeting is postponed also until sanctions have been lifted and we can gather safely.
A date will then be determined
posted on the website

Meetings - Suspended
General membership meetings are required to be held on the 2nd Tuesday of January, March, June, September & November.
The June meeting is adjusted to occur after the closing dates for the July Show. A December (Christmas) meeting is open to all members and a January (Annual) meeting is also when Awards are acknowledged for Club members. Meetings normally commence at 7:00 pm.
Some meetings will be held by conference call, and those will be announced as such with contact information and call in codes circulated to members.
Dates should always be considered tentative, until confirmed 3 weeks before the meeting.​
Regular membership is available for those 18 years of age and older. Junior membership is available for 8 to 17 years of age.
Someone wishing to become a member must attend 2 meetings and THEN fill out the Application Form. The form must be endorsed by 2 members in good standing. With the application, the prospective member shall submit an initiation fee ($10) and dues ($20 individual/$5 junior). Applications must be filed with the Corresponding Secretary.
At the next meeting after notification of the application to each Club Member, the application shall be read and voted upon. Affirmative votes of 2/3 or the members present and voting at that meeting shall be required to elect the applicant.
Upon election members shall be notified by the Corresponding Secretary and their name shall be published on the website. Each new member shall receive a copy of the Constitution, By-laws and Club Regulations.

Harry Miller

John Miller
Vice President

Vince Nicholson

Melanie Donis