Basic Obedience: Starts 9/28/2020
​Instructor: Brian Markowich - Brian has been involved in obedience training for about 20+ years and has been an instructor of canine obedience at Three Notch Veterinary Hospital for many years. He also does training outside of the Veterinary clinic.
Location: Charles County Fairgrounds outdoor pavilion
Time: 6pm
Length: 7 weeks, 1hr classes
Dates: Starting: 9/28/22 Ending: 11/16. Class will not meet10/16/22
Class size: Limited to 8 students
Class type: Basic obedience, advanced students are encouraged to attend and there will be advanced instruction for those who are ready.
Cost: $250 per dog - No drop in attendance.
Must Confirm your spot prior to 9/28/22.
Pets must be up to date on their DAP and Rabies vaccinations to attend class. A copy of the Rabies certificate to remain on file with the club must be brought to the first class.
To hold your spot RSVP to